CeBIT 국내 주요언론과 간담회(Friendly Talks)
독일에 기반을 두고있는 세계적인 전시회 Organizer인 CeBIT의 ‘에른스트 라우에(Ernst Raue)'사장은 13일 조선호텔에서 국내주요 언론과 개별적 간담회를 가졌다.
오후 1시30분부터 30분간 일간 대한뉴스와 가진 단독간담회에서 에른스트 라우에 사장은 한국을 이미 20여번 방문했지만 갈수록 한국인들이 Active하고 Dynamic하다고 말하면서 특히 점점 오픈마인드의 사업감각을 한국기업들이 갖고있다고 밝혔다.
한편 이날 간담회는 일반 기자간담회와는 달리 주요 언론사와 시간 약속에 맞춰 진행되었는데, 일간 대한뉴스 이외에도 에이빙 뉴스, 조선일보등 언론사들이 개별 간담회를 가졌다.
다음은 일간 대한뉴스와 에른스트 라우에 사장간의 인터뷰를 요약한것이다.
Q 1) How do you think about the future market in Korea ?
A 1) Very promising and will get success. Yesterday I was in Japan, but even many Japanese ITC companies have got strong curiosity about Korea's ITC, and its potential energy.
Q 2) Is it possible for Korea to be a center core of ITC business in Asia ?
A 2) I think it's DEFINATELY possible, because my long time based-experience for hosting & presideing Messe party, can see Korea's better tomorrow in the field of ITC.
Q 3) Korea has a different BIZ-structure from another Asian countries, for an instance, which means that Taiwan has a majority power mainly from small-medium sized companies for economy. But in Korea, big business groups like Samsung, Hyndai, and LG have made contributions for national economy. So do you have any special plan for Korean small-medium sized companies, aside from big BIZ groups, to join your CeBIT's Messe Party ?
A 3) We welcome any Korean ITC company's particpation.
And regarding on channels of application, any applicant can choose our Seoul office, or KOTRA. Though Korean big business groups were our old partners, but we, on the other side, really want Korean small company's participation if they got competitiveness.
In a word, we never make company differentation !
Q 4) Can you tell us about your BIZ philosophy ?
A 4) Doing business is important..but more inportant is to make a long term friendship with BIZ partners.
Review of CeBIT 2007
- The world's largest show with 480,000 visitors & 280,000 S.Q Meter floor space
- More than 10% increase in overall attendance since 2006
- ICT investment deals worth 11 billion euro signed at the show
- The European ICT Prize, the 'Nobel Prize' of ITC, awarded at this year's show
취재/이명근 기자