Japan waked up Already...
Japan waked up Already...
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.04.01 19:33
  • 댓글 0
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(Mr.MickleLee, INTL Div of KOREA NEWS/日刊대한뉴스, in Tsushima/Japan)

Like the fact that Japan and Korea had frequent cultural exchanges each other for more thanone millenium, Japan and Korea faced similar difficulties in the past decades, experiencing the serious gap between rural and urban areas, and between big business group(called 'Jaebeol' in Korean)and small-medium sized corporations.

Thus Korea and Japan have tried to overcomethis social and economical discrepancy using respective way.

Now the world has seen that Japan has goneup like a skyrocket with recovered competitiveness, while Korea not yet.

Japanese government, several years ago, started to lift unnecessary regulations on enterpries and plants a lot by scrapping laws related to all regulations on business and manufacture activity.

So Japan achieved to 5.5% of economic growth in last year, exceeding that of Korea where filled with restrictions instead of lifting them.

Though we may feel jealous to hear Japan's success from powerful reform, it will be impossible for Korea to propel rigid reform of administration, collecting ideas and comments from various social units respectively.

Korean government, it may be true, led to a lack of economic energy, putting most companies in trouble without settlement of sophisticated pending problems to be recified or deleted for more lubricating activity of economy.

Some people already pointed out that everything in Korea more expensive than Japan, and considering that Tsushima island of Japan will have more than 100,000 Korean tourists in this year, it's no accident for us to say 'Where does Korea go ?', and 'Where is Korea ?'

CanKorean politicans answer about it ?

Writer/이명근 기자

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