New Year's Message from President Lee Myung-Bak
New Year's Message from President Lee Myung-Bak
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2009.01.01 16:15
  • 댓글 0
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President Lee delivered new year's speech to the nation on the first day of 2009

He said, "I wish every one of you a very healthy, happy New Year. I also offer my warm New Year's greetings to Korean residents overseas as well as our North Korean compatriots"

And regarding on Korean people's challenge against world economic crisis,he showed a way tomake a new beginning with the belief that tomorrow will definitely be far better than today.

"As President, I know well the aspirations of the Korean people. I greeted the first day of the New Year by renewing my determination as well"

He continued, "When the going was tough in the past, we were united and successfully surmounted arduous challenges. I am convinced that we will certainly be able to ride out the current crisis, which people say is the toughest. Let us weather the wild gust and high waves, thereby turning this crisis into an opportunity !"

Lastly he pointed out that all opportunities are not given; rather, that they arewhat we have to create.

국제부 이명근 기자

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