WeLoveU Foundation, Across the world !
WeLoveU Foundation, Across the world !
The 10th New Life Family Walkathon at Olympic Park, Seoul
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2008.05.25 21:38
  • 댓글 0
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One big international event, coming into the spotlight, was held May 25 at Olympic Park, in Seoul. It was a charitable event named 'the 10th New Life Family Walkathon' that was organized by WeloveU Foundation, supported by Seoul Metropolitan government and Ministry for Health, Welfare, and Family affairs, one of the international social service groups in Korea.

On that day, more about 10,000 family-packed volunteers gathered, and expressed aspirations for services toward African countries, filling a need that government cannot fill.

In addition, many distinguished guests from home or abroad were invited to commemorate this international charitable event.

Especially guests from African countries like Embassy of the Republic of Ghana, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, even from the Netherlands, Harry A.C.van Woerden from Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, were seen there.

And what's more, many members of American Women's Club of Korea joined with them, making a stronger bridge for bilateral non-governmental diplomacy.

According to WeloveU Foundation, it was made to help lots of people suffered from water shortage in more 30 countries, constructing a milestone regarding where we have to go, and what we have to do so as to share all of that we've accumulated.

"We have hope and dream, with which we can share for all people suffered from poverty and water shortage. This is why we gathered here" said Zahng Gil-Jah, the President of International WeLoveU Foundation.

"Perhaps many years from now the volunteers may look back on these days as the most rewarding of their lives" she added.

"Like the other side of coin, our world has darkness where lots of people suffered from water shortage as well as poverty. For an instance, a child is dying every 3 seconds, one by one, as a result of extreme poverty. So it's time that we make the first draft of new human-being's history. Because we still have one thing..named 'HOPE" said WeLoveU's participant.

국제부 이명근 기자(외교부.문화체육관광부 출입)

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  • 등록일자 : 2003-10-24
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  • 등록일자 : 2008-07-10
  • 발행일 : 2005-11-21
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