Korea-Vietnam Foreign Ministers' Meeting
Korea-Vietnam Foreign Ministers' Meeting
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2007.11.16 22:43
  • 댓글 0
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Minister Song Min-soon held the Korea-Viet Nam Foreign Ministers' Meeting with Vice Prime Ministerand Foreign Minister Pham Gia Khiem of Vietnam on November 15, and exchanged views with him onbilateral issues including political, economic and cultural exchanges and other issues of mutual interestsuch as cooperation in the international arena.

According to MOFAT, Vice Prime Minister Pham Giak Khiem is accompanyingGeneral Secretary Nong Duc Manh of the Communist Party of Viet Nam on his visit to Korea.

'Minister Song and Vice Prime Minister Khiem noted that the Korea-Viet Nam Summit on November 14was very useful and successful, and hoped that General Secretary Nong Duc Manh's visit to Korea wouldserve as a milestone to further solidify the comprehensive partnership between the two countries' said MOFAT

The both sidesalso agreed on the need to set up a regular governmental consultative body for comprehensivediscussions on political, economic and cultural issues, people-to-people exchanges, labor cooperationand multilateral cooperation for the diversified and close cooperative ties between the both.

Meantime, Minister Song explained recent progress in inter-Korean relations, expressed gratitude for Viet Nam'sinterest in and efforts for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, and noted the effectiveness of the"Doi Moi“ policy of Viet Nam. In response, Vice Prime Minister Khiem reassured the Vietnamesegovernment's will to play an active role for peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Minister Song also hoped for further development of mutually beneficial cooperation between the twocountries in the field of trade and investment, particularly stressing the significance of strategiccooperation between the two countries in the field of investment.

'The two sides agreed that the two governments should amicably handle various issues related to
rapidly increasing cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two countries. In particular,Minister Song explained the Korean Government's efforts to resolve various issues related to Korean-Vietnamese marriages, and agreed to make mutual efforts with the Vietnamese government to makeinstitutional improvements' MOFAT said.

Regarding the problems of Myanmar, Minister Song stressed that the human rights situation in Myanmar must be improved, and expressedKorea's active support for UN's efforts to this end. He also emphasized that the international community,including ASEAN, should actively support UN's activities.

'The two sides also shared the view that the two countries should further strengthen bilateral
cooperation in the regional and international arenas, and Minister Song asked for Viet Nam's support forKorea's bid to host the 2012 International Exposition in Yeosu' MOFAT added it.

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