Taiwan's newest innovation, "S Cafe nanometer coffee yarn" is taking the world by storm, and will be on exhibit at the Taiwan Art and Design Exhibition in London.
This nanometer-scale product has broad applications in apparel and household decorations.
" Major international sports brands like Adidas, Nike and New Balance,are now strongly interested. Besides, a global coffee chains like Starbucks, has signed long-term cooperation agreements "
대만이 커피로 만든 기능성 나노섬유를 개발 화제가 되고있다.
최근 타이완 투데이에 따르면, 곧 런던內 '대만 아트디자인 박람회'에서 선 보일 이 섬유는 "S Cafe nanometer coffee yarn" 이라불리는데,신속한 땀배출은 물론 빠른 건조(Quick Dry)성능까지 가져 이미 아디다스나 나이키로부터 러브콜을 받고 있다는 것.
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