Univ's Student, For 'Protection of Earth's Environment'
Univ's Student, For 'Protection of Earth's Environment'
Hand in Hand, for our Earth created by God
  • 대한뉴스
  • 승인 2008.06.26 11:20
  • 댓글 0
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Recently there was a meaningful international seminar regarding the protection of our Earth's environment, at an annex of Seoul metropolitan government, named 'the First International Environment Seminar'.

According to organizer, INTL Voluntary Service Association of University students, this seminar was made for recognition toward necessity of our human being's efforts against break-downed envorinments of Earth.

In addition, Metropolitan government's briefing, which focused on 'the 3rd C40 Climate leadership Group/Seoul Summit' held in next May, was held there.

On that day, the most attention-grabbing guests were forein members of INTL Voluntary Service Association of University students, from many different countries such as U.S, Russia, Japan, Australlia, Canada, and Ukraine, whose main purpose was to join environment movement, as well as to get valuable experiences through various trips in Korea.

Our Earth was created by God, and God calls us

'With obeying words from Elohim God, we will devote ourselves to protect our Earth's environment from any pollution. Still we feel that God calls us that 'You have to protect your Earth' said one American Christiasn student.

Meanwhile we counl have an interview with foreign friends who gathered there, one after another.

Gwerdolyn Faraday, a female U.S student of University who majoring in Mechanical engineering said ' Even though this was my first time to visit Korea, I could gain new experiences through this trip. and if possible, I'd like to visit this beautiful country again as early as possible '

Besides regarding the importance of 'why we should protect our Earth's environment', she said ' With today's my impression about it, I will be a forever guard for its clean environment in my country'

We are here to preach the words of life to save our Earth as well as humankind !

"I am so surprised that our Earth created by God has been suffered from various pollutions. During my staying here, I get something important. I dare to say I could learn how our spirit can be alive, and today how we can bring the Earth to life. I think the both are essential for human-beings, whoever we are and whatever we do. So after my returning to America, I will preach the words of life to save our Earth as well as humankind' said one attendant named 'Aron' from Washington D.C

Lastly we could met Jake and Anny, also Christians from America.

They said together 'This trip was very important to our lives. and what's better, today's seminar here seems to fillip our memories toward one problem that we have passed-over for a long time. It's about our Earth's environment created by God.

Seoul Climate Change Expo 2009, as a new milestone for history of clean environment-based diplomacy

On that day, there was a welcoming speech from Seoul Metropolitan Government, introducing briefly about 'the 3rd C40 Climate Leadership Group/Seoul-2009'

According to them, this international events, called 'Seoul Climate Change Expo', would be a new milestone for history of clean environment-based diplomacy.

And he stated that Seoul government nominated INTL Voluntary Service Association of University students as an official delegate for this event.

"It's true that our Mayor, Oh Se-hoon, did his best for this world-wide event relating to clean environment of our Earth. He will definitely make our Seoul, a clean and attractive global city. Because he has dream and philosophy about it"

국제부 이명근 기자/외교통상부 출입

(e-mail : welove5555@naver.com)

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  • 종합일간지 제호 : 대한뉴스
  • 등록번호 : 서울 가 361호
  • 등록일자 : 2003-10-24
  • 인터넷신문 제호 : 대한뉴스(인터넷)
  • 인터넷 등록번호 : 서울 아 00618
  • 등록일자 : 2008-07-10
  • 발행일 : 2005-11-21
  • 발행인 : 대한뉴스신문(주) kim nam cyu
  • 편집인 : kim nam cyu
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